Digital Communications Plan Example

Twitter channel conversations

The plan outlines the OPS Dragon Boat Club digital communications for 2012 which is part of the club’s larger integrated marketing and communication planning (IMC plan).

Digital Channelsopsdragonboatclub-Twitter-295x300

The following are suggest channels the club should create for a diversified social media presence

  • Yelp! – create for where the club has an address or will have majority of its practices
  • LinkedIn – create a new company page with the re-branding of the club
  • Foursquare – create general page and locations for where the club has an address or will have majority of its practices
  • Google Places – create for where the club has an address or will have majority of its practices (e.g. Balmy Beach Canoe Club)opsdragonboatclub-geo-location
  • Pinterest – create page for club and boards like paddling technique, practices, regattas, people (paddlers, coaches, etc.)
  • Instagram – Create an account for your biz and upload pictures relating to your store, service, etc – try posting at least once a week and make sure your information on your profile is completely filled out.
  • Google+ Page with general information similar to the website
  • YouTube – create channel to host introduction video of club (contains races, interviews, and dragon boat showcase from OPS Spirit initiative), feeds on videos posted by paddlers, races from regattas

Thanks to Liz Oke for suggesting channels for local businesses to attract customers online.

Website Content

  1. General club information about teams, people, payment, history, practice sites, regattas, training camps, and contact forms.
  2. Early season awareness articles: President’s message, about coaches, about the season and its regattas, training that happened in winter.
  3. Executive minutes, decisions, or info targeted to paddlers (email communications)
  4. Multimedia: video, photos, podcasts
  5. Newsletters
  6. Annual report / Annual general meeting materials
  7. Program promotions (discounts, new teams)
  8. Late articles season: AGM, Winter training
  9. Off season articles: Holiday message, club updates (e.g. we’re working hard on next year’s plan, any feedback is welcome, what does next year look like?)

Use an editorial calendar to plan the timing of these messages.

Digital Assets

Photos and videos from 2002 onwards

Media is stored on a variety of platforms and shared document folders listed below.

  • Official club video showcasing paddlers, interviews with athletes, and club initiatives and competitions.
  • Photos from fundraising, showcase, lunch and learn, AGM, and regatta events.


  • = current club domain, managed in combination with Google Apps
  • = old domain circa 2002 to 2011

Shared Documents

Includes past meeting minutes, photos, and club administration documents.

  • Google Apps account for both domains listed above
  • Shared Dropbox Folder


Oke, L. (2012, November 4). Local Bricks and Mortar Business Listings – some tips on attracting customers online. Retrieved November 30, 2012, from Liz Oke Inc.:

About this Plan

The plan was written by the OPS Dragon Boat Club communications coordinator Justin Tung in 2012. The plan aims to make future communications for the organization easier by planning common goals/messages, ways to communicate, budgets, schedules, and recording how the club has operated in the past.

It incorporates lessons learned by the club from event planning, writing press releases, website development and operations, social media community management, and good practices in PR, marketing, and communications.

By Justin Tung

Servant of the public as a communications and IT jack of all trades. Always willingly to fundraise and volunteer for the greater good.

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