Communications and Marketing Services

Radar domes

Find your need below and contact Justin to request a service or ask a question.

Generate leads by setting up advertising on Google

Search Engine Marketing (SEM) provides management of Google AdWords campaigns with analysis into keywords, budgeting, display and text ads, and optimizations.

Improve a website for search engines and analytics

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) checks the website is built for search engines. Recommendations and improvements can be made by looking at keywords, meta tags, navigation, and website directories and search engine submissions. Website analytics can be installed to track traffic and help in improvements and planning.

Connect with people and get your message online

Communications and Marketing Planning will develop a communications plan to meet your goals:

  1. Set strategy, objectives, and messaging.
  2. Choose channels and tactics: e.g. social media (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Blog), email, website, events, advertising, communities and how to use them.
  3. Prepare for implementation and evaluation.